Does foam rolling help with cellulite?
Image of lady with cellulite.
We often associate foam rolling with pre and post workouts; with benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced risk of injury and enhanced performance but some say foam rolling can get rid of cellulite.
Cellulite effects 90% of women and appears on all body tones – even the fit and toned!
It therefore seems too easy to believe that foam rolling can help with cellulite …
but it does …
sort of …
"It can help reduce cellulite, inflammation and flush toxins" says alignment expert Lauren Roxburgh who has worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and other famous faces.
We all have fascia which is a connective tissue which surrounds the muscles. With some (the lucky 10%) the fascia lies smooth and even, with others the fascia allows fat to protrude through causing the lumpy appearance of cellulite.
Regular foam rolling is said by many to smooth out and strengthen the fascia, break down toxins and enhance circulation by bringing in fresh oxygenated blood. These combined reduce the lumpy appearance of cellulite and reveal the underlying muscle tone.
However, this may not be a permanent solution …
Some say consistent foam rolling will reduce cellulite in both the short and long term whilst others say it will only provide short term (2/3 days) of visual improvement.
The jury is still out but what is clear is that most experts agree that foam rolling does in fact help with the visual appearance of cellulite (albeit that may only be for the short term).
So ladies, whether it be a night out, photo shoot or a holiday … foam rolling can help!
Who’s giving it a go?
Our innovative 2 in 1 FOAM ROLLER WATER BOTTLE is now live on amazon ⬇️